A Pattern Fundamentals Design Project: Ava Part 5


Designing your own patterns using a personal bodice block is guaranteed to eliminate the fitting frustration that can come along with using commercial patterns. However, having a basic block that fits you is of no use to you if you don’t know what to do with it. So over the entire month of January we’ve been working on a little pattern making project that will help build your pattern making skills and hopefully result in a garment you can wear.

If you’re just catching the pattern making bug be sure to follow along with the entire Ava Design Project series. Here are the links to all the previous videos:

A Pattern Fundamentals Design Project: Ava Part 1

A Pattern Fundamentals Design Project: Ava Part 2

A Pattern Fundamentals Design Project: Ava Part 3

A Pattern Fundamentals Design Project: Ava Part 4

To follow along all you need is your basic bodice block and a few pattern making supplies. If you don’t have a basic bodice block yet, take a look at my online course Designed to Fit: The Bodice Block. It will walk you through all the steps to create a made to measure bodice block that fits. If you just want to give pattern making a try, I’ve created some free mini-block patterns that you can download and print so you can still follow along with all the tutorials.

Download the Scaled Torso Block Pattern Set 

This week we're testing the pattern we created using our blocks. I’m going to show you how I go about cutting and marking the test pattern while keeping the fit of the sample top of mind.

Next week I’ll be revealing the finished test sample, we’ll take a look at the fit and discuss a few other styling variations that you can consider for this pattern. I hope you’ll join me.

If you enjoyed this video, let me know! If you’re following along with me and making your own version of the Ava top, show me your work. You can tag me @inhousepatterns on social media and use the hashtags #Ava #inhousepatterns and #inhousepatternsstudio. I can’t wait to see what you create using what you learn.

All My Best,
